digital retail

Programm: May 3rd, 14:00 - 18:00 (in German)


13:30 Warming Up

14:00 Intro & Welcome
Olaf Kolbrück (Editorial Director at / dfv Mediengruppe)                                             Katie Gallus (Moderator & Geographer)

14:15 Keynote & Discussion
 Karl Krainer (Founder and Chief Thinker of Gedankenfabrik): Reinventing Retail: Eleven exciting commercial innovations from China that you should absolutely know. 

15:00 Start ups on stage & Q&A: The Future of Digital Retail

#1 Impulse: Matthias Freysoldt (Co-Founder & Head of Operations, sensape): When the shop window talks to the customer: Deep learning: How to get in touch with customers in the store with Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence

#2 Impulse: Sebastian Stricker (CEO, Share foods): Sharing for a better World: How the brand "share" puts products on the 1+1 principle that are good for you while doing good

#3 Impulse: Norbert Hegmann (Managing Director, My Esno – der Online Supermarkt): direct-to consumer – new ways to the customer. How an online start up sells groceries online and creates customer loyalty

16:30 Break

17:00 Impulse: Trends

Roger Hillen Pasedag (Strategy and Innovation Manager, Hermes): The future of the last mile: Who will deliver the goods in the future - parcel carrier, drone or robot?

17:20 Impulse: Thinking Ahead

Christian Stephan (Head of Innovation Research, MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group): "Meet Paula – The Future of shopping” - Trends in Retail Technology: Robots, Language Assistants & More

17:45 Wrap up 


Olaf Kolbruck

Olaf Kolbrück, Moderator

Editorial Director at / dfv Media Group

Olaf Kolbrück is head of and was reporter of the topics internet and e-business at the magazine Horizont (magazine about marketing and media) for many years. He founded the renowned marketing blog and is recognized as one of the most distinctive bloggers for digital advertising and marketing. In 2011 he was one of the co-founders of the association D64 – Zentrum für digitalen Fortschritt. In the past he had also worked for the trade group Rewe. He also writes crime novels.


Roger Hillen Pasedag

Roger Hillen Pasedag, Division Manager Strategy & Innovation, Hermes Germany

Roger Hillen Pasedag is responsible for the development of innovative business models at Hermes Germany. Together with his team he realized strategic investment cases such as the same-day-delivery start up Liefery, as well as tech cooperations with Starship. The (package) logistics industry is facing great challenges. He is convinced: “E-mobility, new digital delivery systems, such as autonomous vehicle systems, have great potential to change the industry.


Karl Krainer

Karl Krainer, Founder and Chief Thinker, Gedankenfabrik

Karl Krainer combines a lot of pre-digital experience at fmcg companies such as Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola with digital experience in leading positions at Ebay, Google and several start ups. Karl is an author (“The Educated Decision-Maker”), mentor at Hub:raum and Beyond 1435 as well as founder of the thought leader network “1000Vordenker”. He regularly travels to China analyzing innovations which might have a great impact on the future of digital commerce.


Mathias Freysoldt

Mathias Freysoldt, Co-Founder, Managing Director and Head of Operations of the start up sensape

Mathias Freysoldt knows about how AI works and teaches computers how to see and talk. The start up sensape was recently funded with 135.000€ by the EU. Sensape systems interact e.g. with high performance displays in store windows and communicate advertising content e.g. through augmented reality technology. Their interactive store window learns how to recognize people of different age groups, which led to quite a fuss. 


Sebastian Stricker

Dr. Sebastian Stricker, Managing Director, start up share

Sebastian Stricker founded Share the Meal in 2013 – the first app fighting global starvation. In 2017 he founded sharefoods, a social food brand. One can find sharefoods products inside 5.000 Rewe and dm stores. “At share we produce high-quality products for you and together with you we change the world. With every product bought you help one person in need. This our so-called 1 + 1 principle.” In the past he worked as a consultant for BCG, was program manager Malaria at the Clinton Foundation and much more.


Martin Wild

Martin Wild, Chief Innovation Officer (CINO) MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group

Martin Wild is recognized as one of the pioneers of digital retail. At the age of 18 he founded Home of Hardware which later became one of the largest German online shops for electronics and which he eventually sold to Premiere. Since 2011 he is part of MediaMarktSaturn’s management board. Whenever robots were taking over deliveries, customers were being led through Saturn stores with augmented reality technology or when innovative start ups and established retailers turned retail upside down inside the Accelerator Retailtech Hub, it was Martin Wild and his team taking the lead here.