women in fintech

Programm: May 4th, 9:00 - 13:00 (This event will be in English)

@German Museum of Technology
9:00 - 13:00: Women in fintech (In English)
8:30     Warming Up
9:00     Intro & Welcome
Ulrike Otto (SinnerSchrader)
Valerie Lux (Journalist for politics & internet)

9:15     Keynote
Dr. Carolin Gabor (Managing Partner, FinLeap): Digital Platforms - The Future of Finance
9:45     Keynote
Lanna Idriss (Direktorin, Frankfurter Privatbank’): Financial Institutions and Fintechs in Germany, the Near and Middle East
10:30   Impulse
Leitha Matz (Co-Founder & COO, Zuper): Financial Health: What is it? Why is it important? What does it mean for companies, communities and individuals?
11:00   Break
11:30   Impulse
Xenia Bogomolec (Data-Security, TiQu): Data Security in the Scope of Distributed Ledger Technology
12:00   Impulse
Charleen Fei (Developer, jolocom): Self-Sovereign Digital Identity on the Blockchain
12:45   Wrap up and farewell
In collaboration with dfv media group and dfv conference group
*subject to change